
Showing posts from October, 2017

How To Optimise your business using accounting software

Very few businesses, if any, can say that their key financial processes are as efficient as possible. For this reason, accounting software projects are often highly appealing to key decision makers. Or, at least they should be. The increased predictability of the results of implementing new software is beneficial for determining the project’s potential ROI. Identifying ROI numbers can be an intimidating prospect. But it’s surprisingly straight-forward with accounting software purchases. All accounting software automates repeated processes. Determining ROI is often as easy as asking software providers to provide data on the amount of time that can be expected to be saved in each functional area. It’s then a matter of applying your own knowledge of your labour costs to the time saved. Accounting software and ERP projects offer a big advantage: they are relatively low risk and high reward. Many IT projects are highly speculative and serve as their own prototype. This is not-so w

How to Ensure Success in Your Accounting Software Project

A smooth accounting software implementation does not require a bevy of on-staff tech gurus squirreled away in a temperature-controlled server room the size of a football field. Regardless of what Super Bowl half time commercials show us, it’s just not a hard and fast requirement. In today’s market, skilled experts are easily available on a contract basis for companies of all sizes and across all industries. Huge financial reserves aren’t needed either. Smaller organizations are often at an advantage when it comes to IT projects. They usually have fewer integration challenges and more flexibility in allocating resources. Tight budget constraints can actually help companies to focus in on the necessary return on investment for a financial win. Furthermore, many vendors offer flexible payment terms through leasing or monthly subscriptions. Each of these options allows you to pay for accounting software over time, while you are realizing the cost benefits of improved efficiency.

Small Business To get the benefits from POS Accounting Software

Any merchant, proprietor, employer who has asked this question, while it may seem to be a good one to ask, should first answer the question “Do you know what you can depend on a POS accounting software  system to do for you?” It’s difficult to imagine anyone in the wide variety of industries that POS technology currently serves not being able to reap exceeding benefits from a POS system. EXCEPTIONS? Of course, if there’s anyone in business who can realistically complain of having an inordinate abundance of free time, not having enough work to do, wishing there were more tasks to perform in order to spend more time working and so forth–a POS system may further disappoint. The whole point of POS accounting software technology is to bring a whole new level of not only freedom but accuracy to many different types of businesses. IT’S NOT ABOUT SIZE This type of technology offers a real boon to owners of any size of business–from the weekend craftsperson or the event food truck in

How is POS Different From OneStop Accounting Software

While it’s not yet the most prevalently discussed element pertaining to POS accounting software , it’s important for all users to understand that every POS system will offer users a different level of accounting, e commerce, business management along with a variety of degrees of integration of it all which will ultimately have a significant effect on the success of your business. Integrated vs Interfaced Any worthwhile discussion over POS accounting software options should include the distinction that exists between the terms “integrated” and “interfaced. While these terms are often used as though they are interchangeable, there are real differences between the two types of products that are currently offered. If you are in the market to get onboard the POS revolution, it’s important that you first determine the exact needs of your business. Do you want a POS accounting software system that comes with fully integrated accounting that has been built into the software, or do