Accounting versus Bookkeeping
While bookkeeping and accounting are both essential business functions, there is an important distinction. There is often a misconception that bookkeeping and accounting are the same things. Bookkeeping is the collection, sorting, and recording of the financial transactions of a business. The term accounting is much broader, going into the realm of designing the bookkeeping system, establishing controls to make sure the system is working well, and analyzing and verifying the recorded information. The work of a Bookkeeper and Accountant often overlap. As Bookkeeping is part of Accounting . Accountants build on the information provided by the Bookkeeper. Bookkeeping, as the word suggests, is about 'Keeping Books' and is the first step in the accounting process. An accountant focuses on the bigger financial picture and performs tasks that affect the whole accounting process. A Bookkeeper keeps an accurate and complete record of the financial transactions of a business....